Come Sail Away

I always am telling people that I am an aquatic being. meaning that  I love water and anything that has to do with it. So when I saw this Moo-Moo with a sail boat motif, I had to buy it. I also like that Moo-Moo’s had a lot of fabric so there is a lot to work with.


The Stats:

  • Sailing Moo-Moo:$6.00, 100% Cotton
  • Lining Fabric:$0, Content?
      • Total Cost: $6.00

    I wanted to make this into a dress…but what kind and design was something I had not decided on. I went to the Collection for some ideas. I found that I have too many patterns, in all brands and sized and decades. I don’t usually use patterns and for this dress I was using them for construction ideas.

    After reading a few of the instructions and looking at the pattern pieces, I began creating my own patter.

    When the patter was complete I cut of the pieces from the Moo-Moo. to my horror I realized that there was not enough fabric for both the skirt and the bodice, what was I going to do?!? Go hunting in the Collection! I found: 3 different blues, 1 red, 2 faded black, all to no avail. In a last ditch effort before going to the store I looked again in the fabric treasure trove, (which I may have forgotten existed) and I found a prefect match grey fabric!


    However there was no information with this grey fabric, no yardage, no content, nothing. I wanted to know the best guess I could if it was natural or synthetic, so I cut a 2×2 inch piece to burn it. The fabric did not burn, it melted. Indicating to me that it was less that natural, not sure it is was nylon or polyester but it was fun.

    I then noticed that both black and grey fabric were see though. This is not a state that I care for, so both the bodice and the skirt got linings. So I sewed the linings to the bodice.

    The bodice was complete and the skirt needed lining so I cut it 3 inches longer, and then hemmed the lining and the skirt. I then based the lining and skirt together and gathered.

    After gathering and sewing together, a 9 inch zipper was added, and the side seam of the skirt was sewn together completing the dress!


    It is currently the middle of winter and this is a summer dress, but I am traveling to Cuba and the dress is going in my suite case, while the leftovers go back to the Collection.


    Check back to see what will come in from the cold next.