Society Sunday: Furniture DIY

Society Sunday in the summer is a limited group of people…mostly just Flora and I, so we get to move away from seated crafts to larger scale project!

I found an apartment that is too much space for me, and I had no furniture. Flora thankfully has a garage full of furnishings and was kind enough to let me pick some thing for my new place.

What I found:

These are what she gave me AND helped me fix.


I cleaned and then spray painted the chairs to match my kitchen.

The table I removed the old damaged veneer and varnish from the base. I then stained and painted polyurethane on both.  It almost matches the wood floors in my living room, but it will be in the kitchen.

A dresser is something I have wanted since leaving home after high school, but something I was never moving around all my little room rentals until now. And now that I have space I wanted a unique piece .

I started with scraping and sending the body until it was ready for paint. There were many layers that had been painted before I got to it. I also had to reassemble the draws, all of which has to be glued back together since they were falling apart. I scraped and sanded them and began to paint everything the base color.

After the base color as even and dry I used chalk to draw on the design on the front and then covered over it with gold and black. I had to get new screws to put the handles back on and then moved it to my apartment.

There are some other house hold items that I am refinishing so check back to see what they might be. 20


Salmon Peplum Shirt

This was another garment I bought because the color spoke to me, but I didn’t know what I was going to do with. (Note to self…stop doing that!) I really liked the color and the design was not bad…however it is a size 4.

The Stats:

  • Dress: $3, 57% Acetate, 43% Rayon

I started by taking this whole dress apart because I didn’t like it as a dress. Once it was mostly apart I figured out what I wanted to do with it and had to start putting it back together.

 I am always in need of tops,so I started making a shirt. I kept the basic original shape and design of the top and had to add side panells to make it my size. The design of the top was such that it cut off right at my midrift, not a look I am comfortable with. I took the left over fabric I had and made an attempt at a high low peplum.


I cut, gathered, and pinned the peplum to the top of the bodice. After attaching, I sewed the inside seam allowance down, and finished the arm openings. I was ready to go to work!


Come back to see what other summer clothes are coming out.

Florescent Flowers

Every once in a while I truly wonder what I am thinking when I find something in my Collection. This project is one of those times when I pull stuff and question my sanity.

There two and the ones that made me question this time.

The Stats:

  • Green Check: $2.50, 100% Cotton
  • Pink Flowers: $4, 100% Cotton
    • Total Cost: $6.50

The only think I changed about this was the shorts of the pink flower jumper became a skirt and the green checker became the insert in the sides. I also put pockets in to this dress that match the green. I am fed up with summer dresses not have pockets.


I like this dress now that it is done, but I was not a fan of the two separates. I will be pickier when I buy from now on.