Society Sunday: Furniture DIY

Society Sunday in the summer is a limited group of people…mostly just Flora and I, so we get to move away from seated crafts to larger scale project!

I found an apartment that is too much space for me, and I had no furniture. Flora thankfully has a garage full of furnishings and was kind enough to let me pick some thing for my new place.

What I found:

These are what she gave me AND helped me fix.


I cleaned and then spray painted the chairs to match my kitchen.

The table I removed the old damaged veneer and varnish from the base. I then stained and painted polyurethane on both.  It almost matches the wood floors in my living room, but it will be in the kitchen.

A dresser is something I have wanted since leaving home after high school, but something I was never moving around all my little room rentals until now. And now that I have space I wanted a unique piece .

I started with scraping and sending the body until it was ready for paint. There were many layers that had been painted before I got to it. I also had to reassemble the draws, all of which has to be glued back together since they were falling apart. I scraped and sanded them and began to paint everything the base color.

After the base color as even and dry I used chalk to draw on the design on the front and then covered over it with gold and black. I had to get new screws to put the handles back on and then moved it to my apartment.

There are some other house hold items that I am refinishing so check back to see what they might be. 20


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