Green Wool Dress

When I bought this suit I was not sure that I was ever going to use it, but I finally got around to it just in time for the work Holiday Party.

The Stats:

  • Fabric: 100% Wool, $5
    • Total: $5

I didn’t change this much but I did take the waste band off and sewed the front of the jacket together. I also realized that there was no way I was going to be able to button it up all the time, so I put a zipper in the back.


Once this was finished I realized that it was boring. Just green, no flare. So I dug through the Collection and found the perfect items! I hand sewed for hours but finished just in time to make it to bed at 1:30am.

Finished and ready to go to bed.


Check back for the next item and the coming year’s goals.

Christmas Gift

I like to dress in themes when holidays and events call for it, and this Christmas was no different. I was inspired when I went on a walk during my lunch and stopped in to a local business. It is a yarn store with a social/ethical mission: Darn Good Yarn. When I stopped in I met the owner Nicole, she is wonderful. I cannot wait to start a project using their yarn.

While I was there Nicole was kind enough to give me a few wrap skirts that were damaged and she could not sell. They are beautiful silk and they each went into the Collection. They were a wonderful gift that I am very thankful for and excited to be able to use them.

The first that I used was green, there were two layers, one dark green as you can see and the other lighter with red stripes. The red inspired me to look for other reds in the Collection, which I found.

The Stats:

  • Green Skirt: $0, 100% Silk
  • Red Dress: $4, 100% Rayon
    • Total Cost: $4

This was a simple designed dress. I wanted an empire waist with red on the top and green on the bottom. The most difficult part was free motion “quilting” on the waist band.


It was hard and I will be practicing this skill in the future. I also gathered the side of the skirt to show off both colors well. Once I finished this dress I wore it to church with my parents.


I love this dress, and I think I am going to sure this skirt design for a new costume for the future.