Green Wool Dress

When I bought this suit I was not sure that I was ever going to use it, but I finally got around to it just in time for the work Holiday Party.

The Stats:

  • Fabric: 100% Wool, $5
    • Total: $5

I didn’t change this much but I did take the waste band off and sewed the front of the jacket together. I also realized that there was no way I was going to be able to button it up all the time, so I put a zipper in the back.


Once this was finished I realized that it was boring. Just green, no flare. So I dug through the Collection and found the perfect items! I hand sewed for hours but finished just in time to make it to bed at 1:30am.

Finished and ready to go to bed.


Check back for the next item and the coming year’s goals.

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