Goal Check-in: February

Confession: I have not had the motivation to complete any new project mostly just the continuous ones that remove the scraps from my life. However I have 5 planned that I am setting up for quick completion. Before I get to those I need to check in at the end of this the month of February.

Goal 1: Harvard Top 100 Book List:

I have completed reading :  Nothing, but I am still working on  Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman, and The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon. I am almost done with Whitman, but I will keep working on this.

Goal 2:I have not purchased any new projects, but I did purchase a few big ticket items to finish those that I already have. One being a 10 lbs box of batting and the other a large roll of quilt batter. So no new projects just ways to finish a few of my others.

Goal 3: Must complete 49% or 81 of the projects I already own within the year.

Like I stated earlier… I have not been completing as many projects as I has during January. I know sophomore slump February. I am moving my sewing studio a new room in my studio, so I have started to think about down sizing my stuff. To me this was a sign I needed to removing the scraps from the Collection. So I worked on the continuous projects mostly this month, which means that I have not moved very far towards the 49%.

  • Used: 10.91% and 18
  • Made: 9.09% and 15

Goal 4: Once again 1 hour is challenging!! I think I should have made the goal about hours per week not a day. ( A lesson for next year.)

  • Proposed Hours: 28
  • Actual Hours: 41
  • Daily Average: 1.4

So the consistency that I was hoping to work on this month did not happen. There were two weekends in a row that I did no crafting at all, but I will keep working to make this more consistent.

Check back to soon see what the new projects I have set up for completion.

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