Ruffle Refashion on a Roll!

I am on a ruffle roll! Two peplums in 3 days and I found this  partially disassembled dress in the Collection, so it became the next to be refashioned.


The Stats:

  • Navy Dress: $6, 100% Cotton
    • Total $6

Like usual I disassembled the dress the rest of the way because I knew what I was going to make. I started with the ruffles because they were mostly complete and only needed a little tweaking.

I took the apart and cut the bottom one three inches shorter to the ruffle edges were closer together. Then I set them aside, they will be the last thing to be attached to the skirt.2

I put the dress on the dress form to figure out where I could add more fabric to accommodate my bum without it appearing as if I added fabric. I realized quickly that I needed to sew closed the front edge with the button holes in order to make the rest of the skirt the right size.

I measured and added fabric to add at the back and also measured for the length where the ruffles would be added, right above the knee.


Now I needed a zipper added and a waist band. I found the zipper I needed in the Collection and I made a template for a waist band. I cut the material, facing, sewed them together and added them to the skirt. Then it was time to add the zipper.


Finally it was time to add the ruffles back on to the skirt, and all the finishing touches. I added all the bottom back to the skirt and the waist band.


The skirt is ready to wear however I have no shirt to wear with it. I want a white shirt, so, back to the Collection to find something to make.

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