Teal Diamond Chains

Well the blizzard of 2017 has come and the snow is still here. FINALLY we got some snow this winter. It has been missing from my life, so I am happy that we finally got some. I also got a snow day, Thank you Governor Cuomo!

While I was at home I decided to work on some project and I got a few done. The first I worked on was a skirt originally which I turned into a shirt that I didn’t like and it went back to the Collection and never saw the light again.


The Stats:

  • Teal Shirt: $ 3, 100% Polyester
    • Total $3

The original shirt was not great and it was starting to fray on all edges. I finally got a new idea for what I wanted it to look like to I started by cutting out the pattern.

I have a personal pet peeve when seams fray and I have to fee fixing them over and over.This is one of the reasons that it took me so long to remake this. But I was searching though my library of and found a chapter on seams. And sitting there was the answer to all my problems with this shirt: French Seams!!3

I also learned another new technique for pleats. A mixture of 1 to 20 parts vinegar to water lightly saturate the fabric, place a towel over the fabric and with high heat iron the towel and the fabric. This set the pleats, so I will keep using this technique for a while. I then basted the pleats into place and then started the French seams!

French Seams:

  1. Put wrong sides together and sew along the seam.
  2. Iron the seam open and trim the edge.
  3. On the same seams turn pin the right sides together and sew.
  4. Press the seam again and done!

I sewed all the seams in this style and once the shirt was together made the bottom even and then sewed the hem at the bottom. Finally finished and ready for summer, but I’m wearing it in 2 feet of snow.

I wonder if we will get any more snow storms and if I so what will I make.



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