St. Patrick’s Day 2017

I usually try to make something every year for this “holiday” and this year I finished this a few days before.


The Stats:

  • Greed Dress: $4, 100%  Silk
    • Total $4

Because I can wear jean to work on Fridays I wanted to make something I could wear with jeans and wear out for the night.5

I used a pattern for this project which I usually don’t do but I thought why not?  I had enough fabric and a stack of patterns that I never use. So I pulled one: McCall M7196. I liked the pattern, mostly. However, it is a pattern that is for someone much taller than I. Next pattern that I sew I will have to take this in to consideration.

I think that this outfit was a great addition to my wardrobe, and it works well for St Patrick’s Day.


I realize that this is would be better with leggings but I don’t own any…so I will have to do buy some or make this shirt shorter. Over all I like the pattern and will probably use it again.


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