Check In: July

My theme of this month was: last month was way too much.I started a few projects, but didn’t acutally finish them, I’m hoping that in August I can kick it back up again. None the less here is what I did:

Goal 1: Harvard Top 100 Book List:

So for the 5th month in a row and I still trying to finish these two books. In my defence I have read 3 other books while trying to finished these two.

  •  The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon,
  • Middlemarch by George Elliot.

Goal 2: I have not even looked at my collections or had interest in thinking about making anything, so not purchasing new projects was easy.

Goal 3:  49% or 82 projects.

I did complete a few items that didn’t make it on the blog because they were “fix this seam” sort of projects, but they came out of the Collection none the less. I also only have 32 projects to go and I have 5 months!! I need to start sewing!

  • Used: 29.94% and 50
  • Made: 25.15% and 42

Goal 4: July was a sad sewing month and I did very little work… August will be better.

  • Proposed Hours: 31
  • Actual Hours: 8
  • Daily Average: .25

Cutting Board

I know I usually write about sewing or beading but this weekend I had a new adventure and I am eager to share it with you.

My father found an old butcher block that had not been loved for a while but he asked if I would want. I free butcher block! Heck yes!! Even if it needed a little love. So I collected my tools and started.

I am very happy that my parents have all the tools I needed. Always remember safety first. Both my dad and I started to sand. Beginning with a 40 grit sandpapers and removed all the black stains from the wood. I then sanded with 60, 80 and finally a sanding block of 180.

After all the sanding was done I oiled the board, all surfaces, to ensure the long life of the board. I love the look and it fits exactly on my counter and I use it every day! This was a quick afternoon project that I would very willingly do again.



Check-In: June

My theme of this month was: “There is nothing like procrastination.” Truly, I thought I would spread out the work for June’s Mini Capsule Challenge more. I did not. I did spend a lot of time outside and made a lot of jewelry, which I hope to get on Etsy soon. I will post when I get this done.

Goal 1: Harvard Top 100 Book List:

Those sunny days that I thought I would sit outside and read, well they became more active outside activity days. So for the 4th month in a row and I still trying to finish these two books.

  •  The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon,
  • Middlemarch by George Elliot.

Goal 2: After last month’s close call of nearly purchasing something I didn’t purchase any new projects. I did purchase some new pattern to help me complete the project I already have.


Goal 3:  49% or 82 projects. This moved along at a good clip this week, mostly because of the Capsule Challenge. At the end on May I said that my two closets had some wiggle room, well not one is nearly empty, I think there are 5 hanging items left in it! The main “working” closet however once again is stuffed to the immobile point again, but I can see that I am making progress.

  • Used: 28.74% and 48
  • Made: 23.95% and 40

Goal 4: June was a busy month! I worked on a lot of projects. I have finally exceeded my goal of working at least one hour a day. I now just have to keep it up for the rest of the year so I can complete Goal 3.

  • Proposed Hours: 30
  • Actual Hours: 74
  • Daily Average: 2.5