Check In: July

My theme of this month was: last month was way too much.I started a few projects, but didn’t acutally finish them, I’m hoping that in August I can kick it back up again. None the less here is what I did:

Goal 1: Harvard Top 100 Book List:

So for the 5th month in a row and I still trying to finish these two books. In my defence I have read 3 other books while trying to finished these two.

  •  The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon,
  • Middlemarch by George Elliot.

Goal 2: I have not even looked at my collections or had interest in thinking about making anything, so not purchasing new projects was easy.

Goal 3:  49% or 82 projects.

I did complete a few items that didn’t make it on the blog because they were “fix this seam” sort of projects, but they came out of the Collection none the less. I also only have 32 projects to go and I have 5 months!! I need to start sewing!

  • Used: 29.94% and 50
  • Made: 25.15% and 42

Goal 4: July was a sad sewing month and I did very little work… August will be better.

  • Proposed Hours: 31
  • Actual Hours: 8
  • Daily Average: .25

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