Dress for a Wedding

I had a dress that was my go to for EVERYTHING!! I originally bought it as a Salvation Army for $3.00 and it was a Vera Wang! I will admit that I loved the dress and was very sad when I took it out of the wash to find that it ripped!

The Stats:

  • Vera Dress: 5% spandex, 95% cotton, $3
  • Navy fabric: 100% cotton 5 yards, $25
    • Total $28

Dress for a Wedding:  was an inspiration because my former boss and great friend was getting married. I would have worn the black “Vera” but I had to improvise, and did so as follows.


Unfortuately these rips were not fixable. But since I liked the dress so much I decided to take it apart and create a pattern.


I took copius notes and marked everything I could think of.  I even put all the correct interfacing in the dress where it was supposed to be. That dress was one of the best made I have ever taken apart!


I finally finished the pattern, cut the fabric and all the interfacing. I wanted a week and started sewing the dress together 1 day before the wedding. (I know cutting it close!) I have to cancel plans inorder to sew it, and the one question I kept getting was “do you have a back up plan?”- my answer NO!!!! I had to get it done.

Thankfully everything worked out and I did finish. Albeit, with only 1 hr to go, but it was done and if I do say so myself…it looks pretty good.


I even made earring, necklace and bracelet to go with it.


I like this dress a lot, but I also learned many things about this pattern. There are a few tweeks that I am going to make before I try another, but at least one more it coming.

I am sure you are all aware, I started this blog to mostly get my Halloween costumes out into the world becuase I spend soooo much time on them. Well HALLOWEEN is apon us and the costuming has begun. Come back and check out the progression!

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