September: National Sewing Month Check-In

There is month or day for everything, however this one was the best- National Sewing Month! I took total advantage of it! Bernina had a community post which I entered and you can find here, check out my sewing studio.

Goal 1: Harvard Top 100 Book List: I started reading “Dubliners” James Joyce, and “The Bell Jar”  by Sylvia Plath, I’ll let you know how it goes.

Goal 2: I have only purchased new notions for my Halloween costumes, but no new projects.

Goal 3:  49% or 82 projects.

This month was one where I did a lot of prep for October and a lot of cleaning out of the Collection. I had a lot of outfits in the Collection that were very nice peices that could have easily been worn by someone else without any alteration. Those items I have donated to a womens group. The other items I either cut up into scraps if they were small or donated them to a local organtization that upcycles crafting supplies called Up-Stitch.

  • Used: 36.53% and 61
  • Made: 32.34% and 54

Goal 4: September was a prep month for me. I am getting better again in the sewing department, thank goodness. If I keep up this pace I think I will finish Goal #3.

  • Proposed Hours: 30
  • Actual Hours: 50
  • Daily Average: 1.6


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