November: Check-In

I know I am a few days late. I have been working hard and getting ready for th next year. I know, how am I thinking about the next year when this one is not over yet…I just have to. I always have to plan something, and 2017 had a few too many goals. 2018 is shaping up to be a bit different. Any way back to finishing this year!


Goal 1: Harvard Top 100 Book List: I am still reading “Dubliners” James Joyce, I finished “The Bell Jar”  by Sylvia Plath, and I am still listening to “Cloud Atlas”  David C. Mitchell, I also started and decided not to read The “Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri. I am learning to adult by not forcing myself to read something I have no interest in.


Goal 2: In November I purchased nothing new, but I did collect a new items when I went to the beach. I have some plans for these things but it will be 2018 projects.

Goal 3:  49% or 82 projects.

Since HalloweenI have not sewn as much as I would like, but I have turned many projects into scraps. I also made 3 baby blankets for a friend having triplets!! I will have a ways to go, but I think I can make it.

  • Used: 43.71% and 73
  • Made: 42.51% and 71

Goal 4: November was a half and half work month. As most of the “work” I did was purging. Boy did it feel good!!

  • Proposed Hours: 30
  • Actual Hours: 30
  • Daily Average: 1

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