Curtain to Skirt

I know it has been WAY TOO long, but after June’s craziness I needed a break. So I took one however since then I have started sewing many items. I am sure that you don’t remember a post from over 2 years ago, Curtains that Change, but I finally got around to using more of the curtain that was still in the Collection.

The Stats:

  • Fabric: 25% Cotton, 75% polyester, Free
    • Total: Free


I cut two panels out and sewed them together down one side, using both and straight and zig-zag stitches to ensure no unraveling.

I wanted to make prefect pleats and a fork is the best way, or so the internet says. This is done by using the fork as a measuring tool for each pleat. First measure 2 fork widths and then slip the cloth between the last tines.

Then fold over and pin the pleat, ta-da!

Prefect pleats all the way around.

I then added the waist band and zipper. Finally presenting the first item I have created since June.


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